Welcome to Pennycross Primary School's PTA
The Pennycross Primary School Parents and Teachers Association raises funds to support the work of the school. As soon as your child starts at our school, parents and carers automatically become a member of this association. All parents are invited to help at various events held during the year such as: Summer and Christmas fayres and school discos. These are the main fundraising events of the year.
Please contact the school office or the PTA Chairperson if you are interested in helping the work of the team.
If you would like to contact us directly, please email us on:
Meet the Chair of our PTA...
Hi, I'm Natasha Gill.
I've been a parent at Pennycross for the past 11 years. My youngest daughter is currently in year 2, I'm also a member of staff here at the school. I have recently taken on the role of Chairperson for our PTA in the hopes of continuing the amazing work and fundraising efforts carried out so far.
Hopefully, by working together as a team with both parents and staff we can arrange events that will be fun for all as well as provide much-needed funds that can be used to enhance our children's extra curricular activities throughout their school journey.
Any help would be greatly appreciated and I look forward to seeing you at our events.
Vice Chair
Zoe Smith
We currently have a vacancy for a treasurer for the PTA as the current treasurer is due to step down in December. This is a committee member role and one which is very much appreciated by both the PTA and the school. We welcome anyone who is interested in the role to get in touch with the school or the Chair of the PTA with a brief expression of interest that outlines why you would be suited to the role.
We will be electing a treasurer at our next PTA meeting in December.