Welcome from the Chair of Governors
Julia Baldie | Chair of Governors
Dear Parents and Friends,
At Pennycross School, Governors, staff, parents and children work as a team, building on success, in a happy, creative, high attaining environment where everyone feels valued.
We are proud of the high standards our pupils achieve across the curriculum.
As Governors we become involved with a variety of issues including finance, pupil welfare, policies, building/grounds maintenance and staff appointments. However, without a doubt, we consider that our most important role is to ensure the welfare and education of the pupils.
We are justifiably very proud of the children and staff in our school. In addition, this is an opportunity for me to thank all the parents who encourage and support their children so admirably. In a good school, such as ours, parents take a great interest in their child’s learning and development. During the early years of primary education, academic, personal, social and creative skills are nurtured and developed.
Governors are appointed to ensure that objectives are met and that planning for the future is both visionary and realistic. We are here to support and encourage our Headteacher, Senior Leadership Team and all school personnel so that children have access to an enriched education and the opportunities they deserve.
The School Development Plan is at the heart of Pennycross School’s vision and ethos. It details our aims and objectives for the ongoing development of the School. Our priorities focus on the following four areas:
Quality of teaching – continuous development of teachers to deliver more outstanding lessons. Delivering a curriculum that is meaningful for the pupils at Pennycross
Pupil achievement and progress – enabling excellent progress for pupils by providing challenge at all levels.
Behaviour and safety of pupils – developing the role of the School Council and citizenship.
Leadership and management – developing our senior leadership team, subject leaders and the governing body.
Should you wish to contact me to discuss any matter further please do so by first contacting the school office.
I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible throughout the year.
Best regards,
Julia Baldie
Governor Attendance Register 2024- 2025
Stuart Tulloch-Thomas | Headteacher
Julia Baldie | Chair of Governors
Responsilibilities: Safeguarding
Christopher French | Elected Parent Governor
Kenhinde Oyolowo | Parent Governor
Wayne Melton | Co-opted Governor
Responsibilities: Vice Chair
Logan Carroll | Staff Governor
Cllr Kate Taylor | Local Authority Governor
Kerryleigh Tills | Elected Parent Governor
Responsibilities: Early Years
Clerk to Governors: Andrea Turner Contact: